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transcosmos will release “DECAds for Emergency”,
a chat-based customer support service for corporate emergencies including product recalls and data leaks

Helps companies and brands effectively communicate with customers in real time by inviting customers from online notifications directly to a chat-based support center, and ultimately rebuilds their reputations

January 25, 2018

transcosmos inc.

transcosmos inc. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and COO: Masataka Okuda; hereafter, transcosmos) will release “DECAds for Emergency”, a chat-based customer support service for corporate emergencies including product recalls and data leaks from March, 2018.

DECAds For Emergency

As the business environment becomes ever more complicated, business risks continue to diversify. In order to minimize the risks and regain customer trust after emergent cases like product recalls and data leaks, it is critical for businesses to develop a customer support framework right after the occurrence of such cases.

DECAds For Emergency images

“DECAds for Emergency” is a service which integrates “DECAds”, a unique transcosmos integrated platform, and “Emergency Call Center Service” which delivers comprehensive one-stop services that include the opening of a customer support center, collection of recall products, and delivery of replacements at the time of emergency. With a combination of “DECAds” and “Emergency Call Center Service”, “DECAds for Emergency” offers chat-based customer support services using both bots and agents. “DECAds” features help businesses invite customers directly from their online notifications to their emergent customer support center and offer chat-based customer support. The service offers customers easy access when asking for product replacements and making inquiries via chat regardless of time and place.

“DECAds for Emergency” is also equipped with a feature to post customer notifications on “Yahoo! JAPAN”, one of the largest portal websites in Japan, operated by Yahoo Japan Corporation (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and Representative Director: Manabu Miyasaka) using their advertising services. With an unparalleled power to reach consumers that “Yahoo! JAPAN” owns, businesses can make a mass notifications to their customers in a short span of time which helps businesses widely spread their notifications whilst improving product collection rate. In addition, Yahoo! JAPAN’s advertising services such as “Yahoo! JAPAN Display Ad Network (YDN)” and “Yahoo! JAPAN Content Discovery (YCD)” enable businesses to deliver targeted ads to specific user bases and post their ads on partner websites of “Yahoo! JAPAN”.

transcosmos added chat to its diverse support channels with the use of its unique integrated platform “DECAds”. Utilizing the expanded support channels, transcosmos continues to deliver high-quality customer services based on its extensive track record in the contact center industry and its communication know-how. transcosmos will assist businesses in rebuilding their corporate reputation immediately by solving their customer concerns about product recalls and other related issues.

About integrated platform “DECAds”

“DECAds” is an integrated platform which connects businesses and consumers through the power of communication. With its chat ads delivery feature, DECAds first invites users from ads to chat. Through communicating with the users via chat, DECAds helps users solve challenges they face whilst boosting their interests in products and services. It ultimately boosts user engagement. What’s more, DECAds can link with transcosmos’s unique “DEC” service menu, including a DMP service “DECode” and API for business “DECAds Connect Edition”, as well as with other partner AI/BI tools, enabling DECAds to deliver channel integrated communication by integrating, analyzing and leveraging various data collected via multiple channels.

About “Emergency Call Center Service” (https://www.trans-cosmos.co.jp/special/callcenter/recall.html)

”Emergency Call Center Service“ offers comprehensive one-stop services that include the opening of a customer support center for corporate emergencies in 24 hours at the shortest, and the collection of recall products by using transcosmos’s logistic center. The service can also deliver notifications via a short messaging service as well as online notifications that only online admethods can deliver.

transcosmos “DEC” Services

transcosmos has integrated Digital Marketing, E-Commerce and Contact Center functions into “DEC”, taking the initial letter of each, and providing DEC services to our clients. In order to accommodate changes in consumer behavior in the digital world, we believe it essential for businesses to provide digital-based one-stop services for their customers from ads, to purchase, to customer care. transcosmos develops and provides an integrated platform “DECAds” which delivers our “DEC” services.

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*transcosmos is a trademark or registered trademark of transcosmos inc. in Japan and other countries.
*Other company names and product or service names used here are trademarks or registered trademarks of respective companies.

About transcosmos inc.

transcosmos launched its operations in 1966. Since then, we have combined superior “people” with up-to-date “technology” to enhance the competitive strength of our clients by providing them with superior and valuable services. transcosmos currently offers services that support clients’ business processes focusing on both sales expansion and cost reduction through our 170 locations across 33 countries with a focus on Asia, while continuously pursuing Operational Excellence. Furthermore, following the expansion of e-commerce market on the global scale, transcosmos provides a comprehensive One-Stop Global E-Commerce Services to deliver our clients’ excellent products and services to consumers in 49 countries around the globe. transcosmos aims to be the “Global Digital Transformation Partner” of our clients, supporting the clients’ transformation by leveraging digital technology, responding to the ever-changing business environment.

Contact for Media Inquiries

transcosmos inc. Public Relations & Advertising Department
Mail: pressroom@trans-cosmos.co.jp

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