transcosmos registers to Fukuoka Prefecture SDGs Registration Program
Drives key initiatives and partnership towards spreading and contributing to achieving the SDGs in Fukuoka
March 2, 2023
transcosmos inc.
transcosmos inc. (Representative Director, Co-presidents: Koichi Iwami, Masaaki Muta) is proud to announce that the company has become a registered business under the Fukuoka Prefecture SDGs Registration Program.
Under the Fukuoka SDGs Registration Program (no translation available:, Fukuoka prefecture announces companies and organizations in the prefecture that are actively working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and introduces how their activities contribute to achieving the SDGs, thereby supporting such companies and organizations.
In Fukuoka prefecture, transcosmos has six locations including the Kyushu office, and operates various businesses including contact centers, digital marketing, e-commerce, and business process outsourcing (BPO) services. MCM Center Tenjin and MCM Center Hakata - both registered to the Fukuoka Prefecture SDGs Registration Program – and MCM Center Hakata Higashi, which opened in January 2023, have created job opportunities for more than 2,300 people through their contact center business. As a business with its footprints in Fukuoka prefecture, transcosmos supports the prefecture’s concepts - a sustainable society and a society where diverse people can play an active role - and registered to the program. transcosmos has also submitted an application for the registration for MCM Center Hakata Higashi, and is currently waiting for approval.
transcosmos Fukuoka area holds SDGs study sessions for employees covering topics of diversity management, gender equality, etc. as a way to raise awareness about the SDGs. In addition, led by employees, the transcosmos Fukuoka area forms teams and carries out various activities under HATARAKI GOKOCHI Lab, an initiative aimed at making workplaces even more pleasant for employees (no translation available: Pursuing employee happiness at workplaces and making the work environment even better for all, the activities include park and sidewalk clean-ups near office buildings, work social events to foster positive communication among employees, and more.
With the aim of spreading and serving SDGs activities in Fukuoka prefecture, transcosmos will drive its key initiatives and partnership with various parties.
transcosmos SDGs Declaration – Commitment to achieving the SDGs
● Policy towards achieving the SDGs
Guided by the basic tenet of our Fundamental Management Philosophy – Client satisfaction is the true value of our company, and the growth of each of our employees creates the value that shapes our future – we will contribute to achieving the SDGs through corporate social responsibility activities and our businesses underpinned by people & technology.
● Key initiatives towards achieving the SDGs
・ Fairness, Partnership, and Contribution to Local Communities
We will share our management philosophy and goals, offer security and compliance training to all employees on a regular basis, and ultimately contribute to our clients and society through fair business practices.
・ Human Rights, Equality and Labor Practices
We will offer diverse training programs to support employee career advancement and up-skilling to allow our diverse people to fully showcase their abilities at the workplace.
・ Industry and Technology
We will contribute to increasing efficiency in society as a whole by promoting customer touchpoint digitization for our clients.
・ Environment and One Health
We will comply with our corporate policy, Guidelines for Preventing the Spread of Novel Coronavirus Disease, and promote a good balance between business activities and wellbeing of our employees and local communities.
● Partnership towards achieving the SDGs
We will aim to realize a digital society by promoting the implementation of manned chatbot and AI-powered chatbot at customer touchpoints together with our clients. We will also contribute to building a vibrant society where diverse people play an active role by driving a shift to a home-based contact center model.
Related Services
* transcosmos is a trademark or registered trademark of transcosmos inc. in Japan and other countries.
* Other company names and product or service names used here are trademarks or registered trademarks of respective companies.
About transcosmos inc.
transcosmos launched its operations in 1966. Since then, we have combined superior “people” with up-to-date “technology” to enhance the competitive strength of our clients by providing them with superior and valuable services. transcosmos currently offers services that support clients’ business processes focusing on both sales expansion and cost optimization through our 172 bases across 28 countries/regions with a focus on Asia, while continuously pursuing Operational Excellence. Furthermore, following the expansion of e-commerce market on the global scale, transcosmos provides a comprehensive One-Stop Global E-Commerce Services to deliver our clients' excellent products and services to consumers in 46 countries/regions around the globe. transcosmos aims to be the “Global Digital Transformation Partner” of our clients, supporting the clients’ transformation by leveraging digital technology, responding to the ever-changing business environment.
Media Contact
Public Relations & Advertising Department, transcosmos inc