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transcosmos begins the operations of “transcosmos research and development”

Conducts R&D and offers various services that aim to boost operations productivity, reduce costs and maximize profits with the power of technology

June 20, 2018

transcosmos inc.
transcosmos research and development, Inc.

transcosmos inc. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and COO: Masataka Okuda) is delighted to announce that the company launched operations of “transcosmos research and development, Inc.” on June 20, 2018.

transcosmos research and development logo

On May 25, 2018, DECTech Tokyo Inc. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President: Shohei Shimoda), a company established on April 27, 2017, renamed itself to transcosmos research and development and began operations on June 20, 2018. DECTech Tokyo has been developing chat-bot, one of transcosmos’s services, and ad platform whilst building DMP. Now, transcosmos research and development will conduct research and development and offer services that aim to boost operations productivity reduce costs and maximize profits with the power of technology. At the same time, the company will beef-up its sales scheme in order to drive development and implementation of their proprietary solutions.

<transcosmos research and development Corporate Concepts>

  • Create POC (Proof Of Concept) for technologies/businesses that will become next-gen pillars of transcosmos
  • Build quality management and project management schemes for R&D
  • Carry out pre-sales activities for “DECAds”, its proprietary integrated chat platform
  • Research, develop, and operate new technologies that adapt to the market

From transcosmos, Kiyoshi Shiraishi, Director, Corporate Executive Officer & CTO and Hiroshi Kaizuka, Corporate Executive Officer joined the company as Directors. Welcoming these new Directors, transcosmos research and development will not only continue its own R&D but also closely collaborate with transcosmos’s Technology Division in order to strengthen the technological capabilities of the whole transcosmos group, whilst developing new technologies on platforms that are open to many users.

Company Overview

Company name:
transcosmos research and development, Inc.
2-27-10, Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
April 27, 2017
10 million yen
Development, operations, and sale of information systems and consultation services

Related Services

*transcosmos is a trademark or registered trademark of transcosmos inc. in Japan and other countries.
*Other company names and product or service names used here are trademarks or registered trademarks of respective companies.

About transcosmos inc.

transcosmos launched its operations in 1966. Since then, we have combined superior “people” with up-to-date “technology” to enhance the competitive strength of our clients by providing them with superior and valuable services. transcosmos currently offers services that support clients’ business processes focusing on both sales expansion and cost reduction through our 172 locations across 33 countries with a focus on Asia, while continuously pursuing Operational Excellence. Furthermore, following the expansion of e-commerce market on the global scale, transcosmos provides a comprehensive One-Stop Global E-Commerce Services to deliver our clients’ excellent products and services to consumers in 49 countries around the globe. transcosmos aims to be the “Global Digital Transformation Partner” of our clients, supporting the clients’ transformation by leveraging digital technology, responding to the ever-changing business environment.

Contact for Media Inquiries

transcosmos inc. Public Relations & Advertising Department
Mail: pressroom@trans-cosmos.co.jp

transcosmos research and development, Inc. Tanaka, Public Relations

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