transcosmos Group Fundamental Sustainability Policy

Staying true to our fundamental management philosophy that client satisfaction is the true value of our company, we, transcosmos, will co-create a well-being society with you all. Together, transcosmos will drive progress on SDGs/ESG.

transcosmos Group Sustainability Purpose

Our purpose is to create a well-being society.
To achieve the purpose, we will maximize the well-being of society, our clients, and each individual.

Social Well-being

Together with our clients, we will maximize social well-being through addressing social challenges including climate change, biodiversity, business and human rights, and social justice.

Clients’ Well-being

We will maximize our clients’ well-being through helping clients achieve sustainable development including business growth, business process optimization, and greater customer satisfaction.

Individual Well-being

We will maximize our people’s well-being through offering the latest technology training programs and respecting employee well-being, DE&I, and human rights.

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transcosmos Group ESG Guiding Principles

E: Climate Change and Biodiversity

We will contribute to creating a sustainable global environment through addressing environmental challenges including climate change and biodiversity conservation through our business operations.

S: DE&I, Human Capital, Employee Well-being, Business and Human Rights and Privacy Governance

Towards a well-being society, we will value and respect the growth and diversity of our people while promoting and fulfilling our responsibility to respect human rights.

G: Corporate Governance and Compliance

Through trustworthy corporate behavior, we will build a foundation for sustainable business underpinned by governance.

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Sustainability Promotion Framework

At transcosmos, the transcosmos SDGs Committee, chaired by the Representative Director & Chairman, plans, deliberates and decides sustainability-related initiatives in line with our Fundamental Sustainability Policy. The committee members attend the Board of Directors meetings, and report status updates on key sustainability activities as well as other sustainability-related information to the board. The transcosmos SDGs Committee also discusses and decides material matters including response policies for climate-related risks and revenue growth opportunities, greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) targets, and initiatives towards the goal to reduce emissions. The Board of Directors oversees and gives directions to the committee.

Sustainability Promotion Framework

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