STAFF START lets store staff readily post styling suggestions, product reviews and video clips on their e-commerce website. With the service in place, businesses can achieve their DX initiative and visually check e-commerce revenues and contribution generated from online posts made by their store staff, thereby boosting the performance of each of their staff and their stores.


Visualize your e-commerce sales through content posted by your store staff.

STAFF START helps you shift all your store staff tasks to online from offline, making you achieve DX. It’s a one-stop shop Staff Tech application service that enables you to visually check online sales contribution by each staff and store, making you evaluate their individual performance.


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STAFF START Distinctive Features & Strengths

Connect customers and store staff, drive purchases by providing credible information.

STAFF START offers a variety of features to turn the power of each store staff to digital and into sales. Key features of STAFF START include the followings:

  • Post styling suggestions: Link product information to styling images recommended by store staff, and post the images to the brand’s e-commerce websites, social networking services (SNS), and more.
  • Staff review: Store staff can write and post product reviews (rating/comments) to the brand’s e-commerce websites, SNS, and more.
  • PLAY: Link products to videos made by store staff that show product look and feel and how to coordinate items, and post the videos to the brand’s e-commerce websites, SNS, and more.
  • Summary: Store staff can create blog posts and other content by setting themes on the brand’s e-commerce website just like creating their store window display.
  • QR memo: Using QR codes, store staff can share product information available on e-commerce website with offline shoppers who are interested in products.
  • Buyer: Buyers and MDs (merchandizers) can share information about sample items they are considering to put in store with frontline store staff, and ask their opinion on whether the product will sell or not.

STAFF START service flow from posting to performance evaluation

Being an official Shopify Partner, the multi-channel commerce platform that powers over one million businesses in more than 175 countries, transcosmos helps brands create attractive online stores with a feel of human connection using STAFF START Connect, an easy-to-implement Shopify app for Shopify stores. With the service, brands can use a range of features that enable store staff to readily post product reviews, create blogs on their mobiles, and more. What’s more, the service visualizes each store staff’s contributions to the e-commerce performance that will further encourage store staff to offer seamless customer experience and increase customer engagement. Ultimately, the service helps brands promote OMO initiatives.

Using the Shopify app STAFF START Connect, businesses can cut service deployment costs down to as much as 1/8 of the costs required for other e-commerce platforms, and implement the service within only 10 days at the earliest. In addition, they can use STAFF START recommended UI templates, eliminating the process to create UI designs from scratch. Furthermore, businesses can easily change text size and colors from Shopify admin screen.

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Measure store staff online performance and spur motivation & grow e-commerce sales.

Key STAFF START benefits include the followings:

  • 1. Make charismatic store staff
    In the industry where you can be the ace with a monthly store sales of 3 million yen, STAFF START makes store staff generate 80 million yen sales online. Influencer store staff connects with both in-store and online shoppers, helping your store acquire many more fans.
  • 2. Shine a light on staff in local & suburban stores
    Store staff in remote and suburban areas with less customers than in the metropolitan areas tend to have longer stand-by hours. This is an opportunity for them to serve online customers nationwide with just a few minutes. So, you can make a fair assessment on your staff’s online sales contribution regardless of their store locations.
  • 3. Transform performance evaluation system and organizational structure
    In general, each store creates its own budget in the retail business, and online sales contribution is not reflected in store staff’s performance appraisal. This makes a divide between offline store and e-commerce in most businesses. With STAFF START, you can visually check sales contribution and conduct fair performance evaluation, making you pursue your company-wide objectives as one team, not per sales channel.
  • 4. Boost your recruiting power
    Disseminate your attractive performance evaluation and reward systems via STAFF START and acquire talent effectively. You can stand out from your peers with your distinctive appraisal system for staff’s online services. STAFF START also helps you beef up your organization to retain your existing staff.

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