CSR Activities

“transcosmos Stadium Nagasaki”

As Japan has been experiencing both a population decline and an aging population, we consider it vital to create an environment where each and every individual can unleash their full potential to sustain our society and keep our economy vibrant. To achieve this goal, transcosmos helps both individuals and organizations develop their talent by optimally utilizing our services and experiences.

We are committed to contribute to develop, giving vitality and enthusiasm to people - the sources of innovation - through our technologies, thereby promoting the creation of new values that ultimately innovate our society and Japan as a whole.

“Sign Language & Kiri-Origami Workshop” at Nagaike Elementary School, Osaka ward (2024.11.20)

transcosmos held hands-on joint-learning classes with a professional rugby team, Red Hurricanes Osaka, at Nagaike elementary school in Osaka-ward.
transcosmos organized an opportunity for the pupils to experience Japanese sign language and Kiri-Origami. Our employees with hearing impairments acted as teachers, and taught the children how to sign “thank you” and “let’s applaud.” The children also experienced Kiri-Origami, a Japanese traditional paper craft, making insects by holding and cutting paper.
Red Hurricanes Osaka held a rugby class in PE. In the lessons, members of rugby team demonstrated their professional play.

Sign language & Kiri-Origami workshop

Sign language & Kiri-Origami workshop

Rugby trial lesson

Rugby trial lesson

  • ■ Date
    Wednesday, November 20, 2024
  • ■ Number of participants
    70 students(fifth graders)

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“Sign Language & Kiri-Origami Workshop” at Hatashiro Elementary School, Shibuya ward(2024.6.20)

transcosmos held hands-on joint-learning classes with a professional basketball team, SUNROCKERS SHIBUYA, for pupils for two consecutive years at Hatashiro elementary school in Shibuya-ward.
transcosmos organized an opportunity for the pupils to experience Japanese sign language and Kiri-Origami. Our employees with hearing impairments acted as teachers, and taught the children how to sign “thank you” and “let’s applaud.” The children also experienced Kiri-Origami, a Japanese traditional paper craft, making butterflies by holding and cutting paper.
SUNROCKERS SHIBUYA held basketball classes taught by professional players.

Sign language & Kiri-Origami workshop

Sign language & Kiri-Origami workshop

Basketball trial lesson

Basketball trial lesson

  • ■ Date
    June 20, 2024
  • ■ Number of participants
    Two classes for children with special needs: 15 students

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“Sign Language & Kiri-Origami Workshop” at Higashi-Kojiya Elementary School, Ota ward (2024.2.27)

transcosmos held hands-on joint-learning classes with a professional rugby team, TOKYO SUNTORY SUNGOLIATH, for pupils for two consecutive years at Higashi-Kojiya elementary school in Ota-ward.
transcosmos organized an opportunity for the pupils to experience Japanese sign language and Kiri-Origami during Integrated Study class. Our employees with hearing impairments acted as teachers, and taught the children how to sign “thank you” and “let’s applaud.” The children also experienced Kiri-Origami, a Japanese traditional paper craft, making insects and butterflies by holding and cutting paper.
TOKYO SUNTORY SUNGOLIATH held a rugby class in PE. In the lessons, former members of the Japan men’s national rugby team demonstrated their professional play, and taught the children catch & pass relay drills.

Sign language & Kiri-Origami workshop

Sign language & Kiri-Origami workshop

Rugby trial lesson

Rugby trial lesson

  • ■ Date
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024
  • ■ Number of participants
    132 students
    (58 of fifth graders and 74 of sixth graders)

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Letter Exchange with children in the Togolese Republic (Togo)

As part of global CSR activities, transcosmos carried out a letter exchange program between children of our employees at Ikebukuro EAST office and children in Togo, supported by a Netherlands-based NGO, Friendshifts. The program created a great opportunity for children aged 4 to 13 to know and think about their different lifestyles and cultures.

Children with letters from Togo

Children with letters from Togo

Children with letters from Japan

Children with letters from Japan

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“Sign Language & Kiri-Origami Workshop” at Rinsen Elementary School, Shibuya ward

transcosmos held hands-on joint-learning classes with a professional basketball team, SUNROCKERS SHIBUYA, for pupils at Rinsen Elementary School, Shibuya ward.
In supporting people to develop their abilities, and promoting education - both form an integral part of our CSR activities - transcosmos organized an opportunity for the pupils to experience Japanese sign language and Kiri-Origami during Integrated Study class. In two separate classes, our employees with hearing impairments acted as teachers, and taught the children how to sign “thank you” and “let’s applaud.” The children also experienced Kiri-Origami, a Japanese traditional paper craft, making butterflies by holding and cutting paper.
SUNROCKERS SHIBUYA held a basketball class in PE. In the lessons, the professional team members played fun basketball games with children, and taught the children dribbling & shooting drills.

Sign language & Kiri-Origami workshop

Sign language & Kiri-Origami workshop

Basketball trial lesson

Basketball trial lesson

  • ■ Number of participants
    Two classes for children with special needs: 17 students
    (One for 10 first to third graders and the other for 7 fourth to sixth graders)
  • ■ Objectives
    Through interaction with disabled persons and athletes,
    1. expand knowledge and interest and
    2. consider how to interact with others and to become a more thoughtful person.

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“Sign Language & Kiri-Origami Workshop” at Higashi-Kojiya Elementary School, Ota ward (2022.11.22)

transcosmos held hands-on joint-learning classes with a professional rugby team, TOKYO SUNTORY SUNGOLIATH, for pupils at Higashi-Kojiya elementary school in Ota-ward.
In supporting people to develop their abilities, and promoting education - both form an integral part of our CSR activities - transcosmos organized an opportunity for the pupils to experience Japanese sign language and Kiri-Origami during Integrated Study class. In two separate classes, our employees with hearing impairments acted as teachers, and taught the children how to sign “thank you” and “let’s applaud.” The children also experienced Kiri-Origami, a Japanese traditional paper craft, making butterflies by holding and cutting paper.
TOKYO SUNTORY SUNGOLIATH held a rugby class in PE. In the lessons, former members of the Japan men’s national rugby team demonstrated their professional play, and taught the children catch & pass relay drills.

Sign language & Kiri-Origami workshop

Sign language & Kiri-Origami workshop

Rugby trial lesson

Rugby trial lesson

  • ■ Date
    Tuesday, November 22, 2022
  • ■ Number of participants
    Two classes for children with special needs: 33 students
    (One for 16 first to third graders and the other for 17 fourth to sixth graders)
  • ■ Objectives
    Through interaction with disabled persons and athletes,
    1. expand knowledge and interest and
    2. consider how to interact with others and to become a more thoughtful person.

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High school students build chatbot. Connect Okinawa Plus – Our SDGs – (2022.10.07)

Inspired by IT learning at school, students built chatbots with the help of transcosmos team. Our community initiative in Okinawa was featured by Ryukyu station, a local broadcasting station in Okinawa.


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transcosmos China Social Welfare Events (2019.09.19)

In an effort to contribute to social welfare activities in the communities where the company operates, and to promote well-being of disabled persons, transcosmos China, a subsidiary of transcosmos that offers comprehensive outsourcing services, has been regularly organizing social welfare events.

On July 28, 2019, nearly 100 employees from transcosmos China’s four operational bases in Shanghai voluntarily participated in a welfare event, and visited the Shanghai Zoo with 35 families with children with disabilities. At the event, our volunteers enjoyed their time with the children who were full of smiles as they drew animals and played games like quoits. In addition to the participation in the event, transcosmos China donated stationery to “暖暖公益 (WarmCharity),” the social welfare association that hosted the event.

On August 29, 2019, transcosmos China ran its first “Spring Breeze Plan,” a work experience day at transcosmos China. transcosmos China welcomed eight visitors with physical disabilities and their accompanying staff from “楽群社工事務所,” a social welfare center operated by the Shanghai Disabled Persons’ Federation. After the visit, transcosmos China received comments from the visitors that they were interested in joining transcosmos China. To enhance the employment opportunities for disabled persons, transcosmos China will continue to host work experience days and other social welfare related events. (“Spring Breeze Plan”: transcosmos China has named its initiative for hiring disabled persons “Spring Breeze Plan.” This is because in China, recruiting activities for disabled persons are usually carried out in Spring time (March to April) and “Spring Breeze” connotes “hope” and “blessing” in Chinese. Today, transcosmos China has over 3,800 employees, and 48 of those employees are with disabilities.

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transcosmos Korea Computer Donation to the Incheon Differently Abled Federation, the Republic of Korea (2019.05.29)

transcosmos Korea, Inc., a business process outsourcing provider in the Republic of Korea, and a subsidiary of transcosmos, donated 30 million won worth of computers for office and educational use to organizations for the people with special needs including “Incheon Differently Abled Federation” to support organizations for people with special needs in the Republic of Korea.

transcosmos Korea is increasing its charitable donations and has already decided to donate another 50 computers to the organizations other than those 22 organizations to which the company made the donation. In addition, transcosmos Korea employees engage in community services on a regular basis, and in various activities for expanding employment opportunities for persons with special needs. As transcosmos Korea’s business continues to expand and grow, the company will further promote its contribution to local communities as its corporate social responsibility.

Donates computers to the “Incheon Differently Abled Federation” of Republic of Korea

Mr. Jung Young Gi, chairman of Incheon Differently Abled Federation, Hiroyuki Tani, Vice President of transcosmos Korea, Cha Kyongah transcosmos Korea

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“Experiencing Sign Language & Kiri-Origami Workshop” at Higashi-Kojiya Elementary School, Ota ward (2019.03.04)

In supporting persons develop their abilities, and promoting education, both form an integral part of our CSR initiatives, transcosmos organized an opportunity for pupils at Higashi-Kojiya elementary school in Ota-ward to experience Japanese sign language and Kiri-Origami during Integrated Study class.

During the sessions, our employees with hearing impairments acted as teachers, and taught the children some greetings in sign language such as “thank you” and “let’s applaud.” They also experienced Kiri-Origami, a Japanese traditional paper craft, making three-dimensional animals and insects by holding and cutting paper.

Japanese sign language
  • ■ Date
    Monday, March 4, 2019
  • ■ Number of participants
    69 students (Fourth graders: 46, Class for children with special needs: 23)
  • ■ Objective
    ‐ For fourth graders
    : Develop a deeper understanding about being a member of an inclusive society through practical experiences such as experiencing sign language session.
    ‐ Class for children with special needs
    : Through a practical experience session and communicating with persons who the children can relate to as a role model, encourage the children to think about their career.

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Joint-Science Event for After-School Care Center in the Community with the Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University (2018.02.24)

transcosmos held a science event for children at an after-school center. transcosmos has been using such an event as an internship program for Kanagawa university students who are about to engage in job seeking activities. Under our employees’ supervision, the students were given the total responsibilities of planning and managing the event. Under the event titled “Science Kids Festival,” the students ran various programs, including learning the mechanisms of batteries using widely available materials such as charcoal and aluminum foil, and learning the mechanisms of reflection of light by making a kaleidoscope.

This joint-science event in collaboration of three parties, the Faulty of Engineering, Kanagawa University, an after-school care center operated by NPO OKAERI (welcome back), and transcosmos, has marked its sixth anniversary and has now being recognized as a model approach for creating new initiatives.

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Participation in “Pro-Bono Lecture on Global Consumer Intelligence” by the University of Tokyo (2015.12.07)

As part of our business-academic partnership, transcosmos has joined “Pro-Bono Lecture on Global Consumer Intelligence” hosted by Associate Professor Yutaka Matsuo, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo.

transcosmos will be focusing on advancing artificial intelligence (AI) generated customer communication, and automating outsourcing process. By joining this program, transcosmos will be able to further contribute to creating AI generated services and developing skilled personnel.

■ About Pro-Bono Lecture on Global Consumer Intelligence (GCI)

This is a pro-bono course on research on consumer intelligence, and cultivation of relevant skilled personnel. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and organizations operating data collection and analytics businesses are primarily sponsoring the course. The course has been established within the Department of Technology Management for Innovation in the School of Engineering in the University of Tokyo.

Associate Professor Yutaka Matsuo, chair of the course, is one of the leading artificial intelligence researchers in Japan. Yutaka Matsuo is an associate professor at the Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, and a guest associate professor at the National University of Singapore. He also serves as a technical advisor at Ohma Inc., a corporate advisor at Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. and a technical advisor at Pluga AI Asset Management. Matsuo specializes in artificial intelligence and web engineering. He serves as a track chair for the Web Mining category at the World Wide Web Conference, which is the most prestigious academic conference on the topic of web.

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“Practical Workshop on Welfare Services” at Uehara Junior High School, Shibuya-ward (2015.11.05)

As educational and personnel development support, both form an integral part of our CSR initiatives, transcosmos conducted sessions on “Better Understanding of Disabilities (hearing impairment)” for students at Uehara junior high school in Shibuya-ward.

During the sessions, our employees with hearing impairments and sign language interpreters acted as teachers. They gave presentations to the students on the topic in Japanese sign language, as well as advice on approaches they can take to make sure that they can get their messages across.

Try & Get your message across! (gestures)

<Try & Get your message across! (gestures)>

About Sign Language Interpreter

<About Sign Language Interpreter>

● Date :
November 5, 2015
● Number of participants :
50 third graders at junior high school x 2 sessions (50 minutes x 2 sessions)
● Presentation :
“About hearing impairment” (various types of communication, etc.)
“About sign language interpreter”
● Experience :
“Approaches to get your message across” (gestures)
“Sign language” (greetings, thank you, sorry, I’m okay, etc. )

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Class at Special-needs School (2015.08.04)

As educational and personnel development support, both form an integral part of our CSR initiatives, transcosmos organized an opportunity for students in Art Club at Tokyo Metropolitan Shimura Gakuen (Itabashi-ward) to experience Kiri-Origami, a Japanese traditional paper craft, and Japanese sign language.
During the sessions, our employees with hearing impairments acted as teachers, and made three-dimensional insects and animals by holding and cutting paper with the children. They also experienced some greetings in sign language such as “hello” and “thank you.”s

Sign Language Workshop

<Sign Language Workshop>

Kiri-Origami Workshop

<Kiri-Origami Workshop>

Kiri-Origami Beetle

<Kiri-Origami Beetle>

● Date :
August 4, 2015
● Number of participants :
12 students from upper secondary education department
● Workshop :
“Sign Language Workshop” – Greetings in Sign Language –
“Kiri-Origami Workshop” – Nurture Your Creativity -

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“Create the Future of Digital Marketing – Essay Competition“ Encourage Research & Develop Understanding on Digital Marketing (2014.12.13)

transcosmos organized an essay competition for both under and post-graduate students across Japan to lift their interest in research on digital marketing and to get them to develop a good understanding of the subject.

■ “Creating the Future of Digital Marketing: Essay Competition” summary

transcosmos invited students interested in digital marketing to submit their essays on a wide-range of themes such as “What Would Make Japanese Style Digital Marketing Globally Competitive?”
Congratulations to the following teams that won the awards after going through a rigorous screening process.

■ Winners
Awards Graduate School /
Name Theme(English translation is
for reference purposes only)
Summary (Japanese only)
Platinum Award Department of Economy and Business, School of Economics, Kyushu University 田中大智、
A shift from “shopping” to “shopping experience” PDF
Gold Awards Department of Marketing and Distribution, Faculty of Business Administration, Tokyo Keizai University 藤田啓介 Co-creating the value of experience in the omni-channel world PDF
School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo 浅谷公威 Web marketing journey 2020 PDF
Special Awards Department of Economy and Business, School of Economics, Kyushu University 阿南勇哉、
Correlation between ROI and Performance at J1 League Clubs PDF
Excellence Awards School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo 臼井翔平 Social media marketing in 2020 PDF
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration, Tokyo Keizai University 大部薗周 The future built on data driven marketing PDF
Department of Economy and Business, School of Economics, Kyushu University 梅崎夏美、
Digital marketing of Satori Sedai (the “enlightened generation” born in the late 1980s on up) PDF
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration, Tokyo Keizai University 柴田佑介 Explore the nature of omni-channel PDF
■ Screening & Awards Ceremony

Platinum Award winner giving a presentation

Platinum Award winner giving a presentation

Winners at the Award Ceremony

Winners at the Award Ceremony

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“Practical Workshop on Welfare Services” at Uehara Junior High School, Shibuya-ward (2014.11.06)

transcosmos made a visit to Uehara junior high school in Shibuya-ward to give students practical knowledge of welfare.
Under the theme of “Community-based CSR Initiative,” transcosmos successfully delivered the class in collaboration with Shibuya City Social Welfare Council, Social Welfare Corporation.
transcosmos employees qualified as professional sign language interpreters gave a presentation based on a diversity standpoint, and led the students introduce themselves in Japanese sign language.

Sign language experience
● Date :
November 6, 2014
● Number of participants :
86 (third graders from 3 classes at junior high school)
● Presentation :
Sign language experience – Deepen your understanding about hearing impairment -

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Presentation in “Self-Care Skills” Class at Hiratsuka School for the Deaf, Kanagawa Prefecture (2014.11.5)

transcosmos’s employees with hearing impairments gave a presentation to lower and upper department students at Hiratsuka School for the Deaf, Kanagawa Prefecture, during “Self-Care Skills” class.

Presentation in “Self-Care Skills” 1
Presentation in “Self-Care Skills” 2
Presentation in “Self-Care Skills” 3
● Date :
November 5, 2014
● Number of participants :
62 (30 from lower secondary department / 32 from upper secondary department)
● Presentation :
“You have control over your own life”
- A message from a person who has lived a long time with a hearing impairment on how important it is to follow you dream, and challenges you should overcome to be part of the society -

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Enhanced Business-Academic Partnership with RIKKYO UNIVERSITY (2013.06.10)

transcosmos has been involved in a business-academic partnership project with the College of Business, RIKKYO UNIVERSITY since the fiscal year 2011. In addition to the last year’s workshop held at the university, transcosmos incorporated presentations on the latest data marketing in their regular courses as part of study subjects with formal academic credit.

■ About “Marketing Research” class (Marketing Research Basics & Using Data for Marketing)

Naohiro Yamaura, a chief consultant at transcosmos, joined as a part-time lecturer for the “Marketing Research” class taught by Professor Hiroshi Sasaki at the College of Business. In collaboration with Professor Sasaki, Yamaura gave a lectures on the basics of marketing research and on the latest data marketing case studies. In his part-time lectures and practical workshop sessions, Yamaura teaches marketing activities and consumer behavior, social media and marketing research, and utilizing web access data in marketing.
On Thursday, May 16, as a guest lecture, Masashi Hagiwara, Director and Vice President at transcosmos analytics Inc. gave a presentation titled “Next-Gen Marketing Research” which was about the latest marketing research approaches in Japan and abroad.

“Marketing Research” Class at the College of Business

Naohiro Yamaura, a part-time lecturer and chief consultant at transcosmos, teaching students

Naohiro Yamaura, a part-time lecturer and chief consultant at transcosmos, teaching students

Masashi Hagiwara, Director and Vice President at transcosmos analytics Inc. giving a presentation

Masashi Hagiwara, Director and Vice President at transcosmos analytics Inc. giving a presentation

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“Big Data Practical Seminars,” Practical Workshop & Presentation Competition at the Business-Academic Partnership Project with RIKKYO UNIVERSITY (2012.12.12)

transcosmos has been involved in a business-academic partnership project with the College of Business, RIKKYO UNIVERSITY since the fiscal year 2011. With the support of Okasan Online Securities, Co., Ltd., a member of OKASAN SECURITIES GROUP INC., we organized a practical workshop and presentation competition at the “Big Data Practical Seminars.”

■ About “Big Data Practical Seminars”

The Big Data practical Seminars began in September, 2012. Naohiro Yamaura, a chief consultant at transcosmos lectured to 40 second and third-year students from Hiroshi Sasaki’s Seminar in the College of Business. After going through marketing theories, different research methods and other topics required for their practical training, the students were put in practical group workshops and were then asked to put into practice the theories. Using the real-life website access data provided by Okasan Online Securities Co., Ltd., the students performed data analytics. On Thursday, December 6, 2012, transcosmos held a presentation competition. In the competition, students were to come up with the proposals for improving their clients’ businesses that they would then present to their clients on a visit to the clients’ offices. The experienced talent acquisition specialists from our Human Resources Department gave students some guidance on what to look for in giving a presentation. The whole program is designed as something that students could apply to their job seeking activities. At the competition, we evaluated students’ presentations with guest reviewers from sponsor companies, mainly persons in charge of their web strategies.

■ Presentation Competition & Awards Ceremony at the “Big Data Practical Seminars”
At the “Big Data Hands-on Learning Seminar”1
At the “Big Data Hands-on Learning Seminar”2
At the “Big Data Hands-on Learning Seminar”3

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Practical Workshop at K. International School Tokyo (2011.02.23, 03.02)

As educational and personnel development support, both form an integral part of our CSR initiatives, transcosmos organized an opportunity for students at K. International School Tokyo (Koto-ward, Tokyo) to experience Kiri-Origami, a Japanese traditional paper craft, and Japanese sign language.
During the Kiri-Origami class, our employees with hearing impairments acted as teachers, and made three-dimensional elephants by holding and cutting paper together with the children.
In the “Sign Language” workshop, our employees with hearing impairments gave a presentation based on a diversity standpoint, and led the children learn some greetings in sign language such as “hello” and “thank you.”

Kiri-Origami Workshop

<Kiri-Origami Workshop>

Students during Session

<Students during Session>

● Date :
Two days (February 23 and March 2, 2011)
● Number of participants :
52 (Two classes at G2 (second graders at elementary school)
● Presentation :
About “Kiri-Origami” – The appeal of Kiri-Origami –
About “Sign Language” – Develop a positive diversity mindset -
● Workshop :
“Sign Language Workshop” – Greetings in Sign Language –
“Kiri-Origami Workshop” – Nurture Your Creativity -

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Enhanced Support Programs for the Development of Disabled Persons (2009.09 - )

As part of our CSR initiatives, transcosmos kicked off a project that focuses on assisting disabled persons with their effort in broadening various capabilities, and establishing an adequate learning environment for them.

■ Project Summary
1. Employee Development Program (internal) :
To lift our young employees’ practical skill levels and to contribute to our communities at the same time, we will continue to get them involved in designing work for advertising materials including posters, leaflets, and brochures focusing on regional hospitals and public institutions.
2. Support for Education (external) :
We will increase the opportunity to give talks to children (elementary school level) at special-needs schools including schools for children with hearing impairments.
Our employees with disabilities will be the speakers. If those employees giving talks at the institutions are graduates of those institutions, those talks will stimulate students’ motivation and commitment towards their future as our employees are likely to be seen as a manifestation of how well they are doing in the real world.
3. Support to Creating an Adequate Learning Environment (external) :
Donating Personal Computers to special-needs schools and other institutions (including both hard and soft services, including computer setup and operational training).
*We will continue with this PC donation actively with the support of ORIX Rentec Corporation (equipment purchases and deliveries), a company that operates a rental business.
Donated Personal Computers (Meisei Gakuen for the Deaf)

Donated Personal Computers (Meisei Gakuen for the Deaf)

Presentation at Omiya Special-Needs School for the children with hearing impairment

Presentation at Omiya Special-Needs School for the children with hearing impairment

Workshop at Omiya Special-Needs School for the children with hearing impairment

Workshop at Omiya Special-Needs School for the children with hearing impairment

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Business Proposal Contest in China for the Second Consecutive Year (2009.04.08)

transcosmos held a business proposal contest inviting undergraduate students from all over China, with the aim of identifying new business ideas and people with talent in the Chinese market.
After the final round on April 8, 2009, we selected 10 teams as winners.

■ Participated Universities
●North China area :
Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing University of chemical Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nankai University, Tianjin University, China University of Mining and Technology, Renmin University of China (People's University of China), Central University of Finance and Economics.
●East China area :
Zhejiang University, Soochow University, Southeast University, Nanjing University
●Central China area :
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China
●South China area :
Macao Polytechnic Institute, Guangxi University, Guangzhou vocational & technical institute of industry & commerce, Shenzhen University, The University of Hong Kong, Sun Yat-Sen University
●Northeast area :
Liaoning University, Shenyang Jianzhu University
●Southwest area :
Chengdu University of Technology, Civil Aviation Flight University of China, Sichuan University, Southwest University of Science and Technology
●Northwest area :
Xidian University, Xi’an Jiaotong University

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Fukuoka Center Certified as a “Business Office with Childcare Support” (2009.02.18)

Fukuoka prefecture runs a scheme called “Prefectural Recognition of Company’s Commitment to Childcare Support.” Under this scheme, the Fukuoka government officially recognizes the efforts and commitment made by top management of companies and business offices operating in Fukuoka to provide childcare support to their female and male employees. The government records those companies and business offices in its “Childcare Support Register” and provides them with a registration certificate and a logo. The Fukuoka government also lets the public officially know the efforts made by those registered companies and business offices. transcosmos MCM Center Fukuoka received official recognition for its effort under the “Prefectural Recognition of Company’s Commitment to Childcare Support” scheme.

An effective and adequate childcare support scheme would be an essential part of welfare programs offered to our employees at our MCM Center Fukuoka given that the center is planning to increase its employees to 700 in the near future. As such, the following commitments have been made.

  1. 1. We will ensure that our employees are fully informed of our childcare leave programs, and that they fully utilize the leave by educating our managerial employees on the program.
  2. 2. We will ensure that at least one month prior to our employee’s return to work from childcare leave, we engage in a discussion with the employee on a reduced working hour arrangement, weekend work arrangement, childcare institution of the employee’s choice and job to return to.
  3. 3. Through managerial employee training programs, we will ensure that our employees are fully informed of the availability of the restriction on overtime, reduced working hours for child carers, and care givers’ leave, and that our employees are provided with full support on their return to work.

Child Rearing Support Declaration Mark

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