Employee Well-being

Based on our belief that our employees’ health and well-being is our top business priority, which also aligns with our fundamental sustainability policy, transcosmos has set out its Employee Well-being Statement.
People & technology - this is the origin of our business. Our philosophy has been that “our employees are the most valuable asset with boundless potential.” Under this philosophy, our HR division, occupational health professionals such as the lead occupational health physician, health supervisors at our centers and offices, labor union, and the health insurance society have joined together and promoted employee well-being activities. In FY2023/3, transcosmos took a step further, and began carrying out initiatives to further promote the well-being of our employees with a corporate-wide framework led by the SDGs Committee. To find out more about our actions toward promoting Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Healthy Work-Life Balance at our workplaces, please click each topic.


On Wednesday, March 8, 2023, transcosmos received the Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations 2023 certification in the large enterprise category under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program, a joint program between the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi, an organization that encourages private organizations and local governments to collaborate and execute meaningful actions in workplaces and communities to overcome health-related challenges.
Staying true to its fundamental management philosophy - client satisfaction is the true value of the company - transcosmos will continue to co-create a well-being society together with clients while carrying out activities with the purpose of boosting the well-being of society as a whole as a Sustainability Transformation (SX) Partner for all. To make it happen, transcosmos will keep its focus on its human capital management including health and productivity management in line with the fundamental sustainability policy.

Message from our Representative Director, Co-president

Employee Well-being Statement

Our fundamental sustainability policy states that “Staying true to our fundamental management philosophy that client satisfaction is the true value of our company, we, transcosmos will co-create a well-being society with you all.” In light of this, we believe that both the physical and mental health of our employees - the foundation of our employees’ well-being - is critical for transcosmos to achieve sustainable growth and to co-create a well-being society.

To this end, transcosmos hereby states that we will commit to maintaining and promoting not only the well-being of our employees but also of their families so that our employees will be able to perform to their full potential in their top physical and mental conditions.

Takeshi Kamiya
Representative Director, Co-president
transcosmos inc.

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Employee Well-being

Employee Well-being Vision

Create a world where all employees at transcosmos and their families maintain and promote their well-being so that our employees will be able to perform to their full potential in their top physical and mental conditions.

Employee Well-being Promotion Framework

Under the Employee Well-being Statement made by our Representative Director & Co-president, and in line with our fundamental sustainability policy, transcosmos built a viable framework in FY2023/3 to ensure we fulfill our employee well-being commitments. Under the framework, the HR division, occupational health professionals such as the lead occupational health physician, health supervisors at our centers and offices, labor union, and the health insurance society are joining force and promoting activities toward improving our employees' health. At the same time, transcosmos SDGs Committee, chaired by our Representative Director & Chairman, with internal directors serving as vice-chair, carries out employee well-being initiatives as one of the Committee's priority themes.

Employee Well-being Promotion Framework

Fundamental Sustainability Policy_Sustainability Promotion Framework

Employee Well-being Management Process

Based on the transcosmos SDGs Committee’s management approach, transcosmos will solve well-being-related challenges following the steps below.

Employee Well-being Management Process

Employee Well-being Expected Outcomes

  • Increased employee productivity achieved by maintaining and promoting the well-being of our employees and their families
  • Higher client satisfaction achieved by increasing our work productivity
  • Greater corporate performance achieved by higher client satisfaction

Employee Well-being Numerical Targets

With the aim to achieve the Employee Well-being Vision - create a world where all employees at transcosmos and their families maintain and promote their well-being so that our employees will be able to perform to their full potential in their top physical and mental conditions - transcosmos is working to achieve achievable numerical targets we have set based on numerical data such as the results of employee health assessments and attendance records.

Employee Well-being Initiatives

■ Prevention of Lifestyle Diseases

Our occupational physicians and health professionals are encouraging our employees to take measures to protect themselves from the risk of lifestyle diseases. Considering our employees’ diverse workstyles and the results of health assessments, our health professional team provides advice tailored for each employee. We also carry out various activities to enhance our employees’ well-being such as a periodic magazine featuring common diseases, recommended exercise, balanced meals, tips for better sleep, and more.

■ Employee Mental and Physical Well-being Support

In collaboration with the transcosmos health insurance society, we operate a Health Consulting Center. The center is available for consultation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with health professionals (nurse, public health nurse, midwife, registered dietician, doctor, etc.) present to provide advice ranging from illness, health issues and mental health related concerns to childcare or nursing care for their family members. In addition, we have a consulting center dedicated for our female employees where they can raise issues and concerns without any consultation fee.

■ Reducing Overtime to Increase Productivity

Our employees who work at our centers and offices are provided with various flexible shift work arrangements tailored for their operational needs that vary from one center to another, and one office to another. We also have flexible working arrangements and a remote working system for our sales team members, and other types of employees whose work is frequently performed outside of their offices. In addition, with the aim of promoting our initiatives to offer our employees with more workstyle options so that they can work at places and times that fit them the most, we offer telecommuting options in our multiple workplaces.

■ Health Assessment Programs

In addition to statutory health assessments, we offer other programs including risk factor assessments for lifestyle diseases, gynecological exams, and cancer screening to help our employees detect and treat illness at an early stage. We are in the process of developing an employee well-being management system, which will assist our employees in fully understanding their own health conditions, and proactively take up health-enhancing activities.

■ Vaccination Programs

We offer flu vaccination services at our workplaces, and for our employees and their families (dependents) who cannot participate in our group vaccination programs, we offer them the vaccination at our affiliated medical facilities. For those who receive a vaccination at facilities other than our affiliated ones, a subsidy for the vaccination is made available. Furthermore, for our employees on international assignments and on international business travel, we offer medical checkups prior to their departure and provide vaccination guidelines specific to the countries they are visiting or staying in as part of measures to protect their well-being and safety.

■ Return-to-Work Support for Employees on Sick Leave

Building on our return-to-work support programs, our HR division, workplaces, and health professionals (occupational health physician, public health nurse, clinical psychologist) are working in unison to further enhance the support framework for our employees who are on sick leave to facilitate a smooth return to work. Our Mental Health Counselling Center is always open for them to consult with the professionals, and is also available for their managers to ask for advice.

■ Fitness Support Programs

To enhance our employees’ awareness towards their well-being, we plan and offer fitness programs designed for our employees who work remotely such as walking events.
Other programs are also available via apps including courses based on target calorie burn, and ones best for beginners.

■ Employee Well-being Initiatives (healthy work-life balance/safety and health)

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