Respect for Human Rights

Human Rights Initiatives

“people & technology” is the origin of our business. As it implies, we place the utmost importance on respecting human rights of all our stakeholders in everything we do and in all areas of our corporate activities. Our Compliance Codes of Conduct sets forth our commitment to always maintain safe and healthy workplaces, prohibit discriminatory conduct of any kind on the basis of nationality, race, ethnic group, belief, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability, freedom from harassment including sexual and maternity harassment as well as forced labor and child labor. We ensure that all our employees are aware of the Codes and implement the Codes throughout our businesses.

We have established the transcosmos Human Rights Policy, and have been promoting human rights initiatives. In March 2024, we revised the policy to the transcosmos Group Human Rights Policy given board approval.
We have posted the transcosmos Group Human Rights Policy on our website and provide Human Rights training covering all our employees to ensure that everyone is fully aware of the transcosmos Group Human Rights Policy. In addition, we are now taking steps to implement the transcosmos Group Human Rights Policy across all our Group companies.

transcosmos Group Human Rights Policy

“people & technology” is the origin of our business, in other words, “people” have been an integral part of our business since our foundation. Under the transcosmos Fundamental Sustainability Policy, we also aim to enrich lives and happiness - the well-being of all our stakeholders through our business activities.

Based on the philosophy above, we respect human rights of all our stakeholders in everything we do and in all areas of our corporate activities, while positioning the philosophy as the foundation of all documents and standards related to our Group’s activities on human rights.

1. Upholding and Respecting International Human Rights Standards
We uphold the International Bill of Human Rights (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights) - the international norm of human rights - the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as well as the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises that stipulate fundamental rights of workers.
Supporting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and Child Rights and Business Principles that define fundamental principles of children’s rights, we respect children’s rights including their rights to be free from child labor.
We comply with applicable local, national and international laws and regulations in countries and regions where we operate. When national or regional laws conflict with internationally recognized human rights, we seek ways to honor the principles of internationally recognized human rights to the maximum extent possible.

2. Respecting Human Rights in our Corporate Activities
We respect the diversity of people in every country and region where we operate. Therefore, we prohibit all forms of human rights violations including discrimination on the basis of nationality, race, ethnic group, belief, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, etc., all types of harassment including sexual harassment and maternity harassment – harassment against women due to pregnancy, childbirth, and taking childcare leave – as well as forced labor and child labor. We also recognize the importance of freedom of expression and privacy, and pay close attention to protect such rights.
We comply with applicable laws and regulations of each country and region where we operate, and respect freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining and action.

3. Scope of our Human Rights Policy
Our Human Rights Policy applies to all corporate activities, officers and employees of our Group. All people working at transcosmos Group, including officers and employees, are protected by our Human Rights Policy, and are acting on the policy.
Also, we encourage all our Group’s business partners and stakeholders to value our Human Rights Policy, and engage in initiatives to promote respect for human rights.

4. Our Framework for Promoting Human Rights
At transcosmos, the Human Rights Promotion Committee discusses and submits proposals on human rights action policies and key initiatives to the transcosmos SDGs Committee. The transcosmos SDGs Committee then deliberates the proposals and makes a decision.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the oversight of human rights risk management, and carries out a continuous monitoring function to ensure the Group’s commitment to, and compliance with the Human Rights Policy in its decision-making process on important human rights issues and initiatives.

5. Offering Equal Employment Opportunity & Fair Working Conditions
We do not discriminate against applicants or employees on the grounds of personal characteristics, and take all appropriate measures to eliminate any form of discrimination to provide fair opportunity in every aspect of employment including, but not limited to, job advertisement, hiring, training and promotion.
In compliance with the laws and regulations related to occupational safety and health of each country/region, we strive to maintain a safe and healthy workplace environment, being mindful of each and every employee’s physical and mental well-being.
We do not tolerate any form of forced labor or modern slavery.
In light of equal pay for equal work guidelines, we provide employees with a fair remuneration package that meets or exceeds the legal minimum standards in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations of each country/region where we operate.
Also, we address and reduce long working hours in line with the applicable laws and regulations of each country/region, and manage employees’ work hours appropriately.

6. Identifying Human Rights Challenges
We maintain a continuous dialogue with our stakeholders including third party experts, employees, suppliers and communities to identify and address human rights challenge specific to each party.

7. Human Rights Due Diligence
We undertake human rights due diligence on an ongoing basis based on our Human Rights Policy to identify, prevent and mitigate adverse human rights impact associated with our corporate activities.

8. Access to Remedy
transcosmos Group offers remedy mechanisms including hotlines. In situations where our Group’s corporate activities may have caused an adverse human rights impact, we will take appropriate remedial action for affected persons and/or organizations.

9. Education and Training
We provide our officers and employees across the Group with human rights education and training to promote their understanding of our Human Rights Policy and to ensure all our people put our Human Rights Policy into practice throughout corporate activities.

10. Reporting
We report our initiatives to promote respect for human rights and their progress through various reporting documents, our corporate website and other channels.

Date of Enactment: July 1, 2023
Date of Revision: March 28, 2024
Takeshi Kamiya
Representative Director, Co-president
transcosmos inc.

transcosmos Human Rights Policy PDF File

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Human Rights Promotion Framework

At transcosmos, the transcosmos SDGs Committee plans, deliberates and decides sustainability-related initiatives in line with our Fundamental Sustainability Policy.
The transcosmos SDGs Committee plans human rights action policies and key initiatives, and gives directions to the Human Rights Promotion Committee, which consists of managers of related departments to draft policies and initiatives based on the plans. After receiving proposals from the Human Rights Promotion Committee, the transcosmos SDGs Committee deliberates the proposals and makes final decisions on the policies and key initiatives. The Human Rights Promotion Office and each department execute the initiatives in line with the policies set by the transcosmos SDGs Committee.

Human Rights Promotion Framework

Meetings & Structure Roles & Responsibilities
Human Rights Promotion Committee Chaired by the manager of Legal & Compliance Division, the Human Rights Promotion Committee discusses and submits proposals on human rights action policies and key initiatives based on draft plans developed by the transcosmos SDGs Committee.
Human Rights Promotion Office The Human Rights Promotion Office discusses specific measures and processes of human rights action policies and key initiatives based on the proposals submitted by the Human Rights Promotion Office, and executes the initiatives with human rights-related departments and members in charge of human rights in each business department.
Human Rights-related Departments Each department shares its human rights-related challenges and action plans with the Human Rights Promotion Office, and executes human rights initiatives relevant to each department.
Members in charge of human rights in each business department Each department under Sales, Service, Global and Corporate Headquarters organizations has members responsible for human rights initiatives, and they carry out and lead initiatives discussed and decided by the transcosmos SDGs Committee.

Fundamental Sustainability Policy_Sustainability Promotion Framework

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Human Rights Due Diligence

Based on the transcosmos Group Human Rights Policy, we have assessed human rights risks associated with our business activities.
We have assessed adverse impact on human rights or human rights risks that are specific to our industry, sector, and our business based on guidance provided by third-party experts. In line with the results of the assessment, we have identified material human rights risk areas in our business from the 25 human rights categories that companies should respect that are specified in the “Report on the ‘Research on Business and Human Rights’: How Companies Should Respond Today” published by the Ministry of Justice in 2021.
In FY2025/3, we will carry out Human Rights training covering all our employees. At the same time, we will conduct human rights due diligence including employee surveys to identify material human rights risk areas taking our business strategy into consideration. Based on the findings, we will plan and execute initiatives to address identified human rights risks.

Material human rights risk areas

We have assessed and identified human rights risks specific to industries, sectors, and enterprises of all rightsholders involved in our business activities based on third-party expert guidance, and assessed the severity and the likelihood of each risk based on the available information. Due to insufficient information available to assess the likelihood of each risk, we have carried out an additional written survey to collect risk-related information from related departments and employees to identify material human rights risk areas.
We recognize that the assessment conducted to identify human rights risk areas in our business was based on limited information. To refine the process, we will undertake human rights due diligence covering all employees to identify material human risk areas going forward.

Material human rights areas identified from human rights categories that business should respect
Material human rights areas Our initiatives
Excessive or unreasonable working hours Sustainable Work Culture & Employee Well-being
  • Reducing overtime to increase productivity
Forced labor Sustainable Work Culture & Employee Well-being
  • Encouraging our employees to take annual paid leave to achieve a healthy work-life balance
Occupational health and safety Sustainable Work Culture & Employee Well-being
  • Safety and health at work
Harassments Compliance
  • Compliance point of contact for reporting & consultation
Respect for Human Rights
  • Human rights training & awareness campaigns
LGBTQ Inclusion
  • Change perceptions & foster inclusive workplace
Sustainable Work Culture & Employee Well-being
  • Healthy work-life balance initiatives
Access to remedy Compliance
  • Compliance point of contact for reporting & consultation
LGBTQ Inclusion
  • Change perceptions & foster inclusive workplace

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Human Rights Training & Awareness Campaigns

Compliance Training

We provide an annual Compliance Training program to all officers and employees. The topic includes information security, anti-harassment, human rights and anti-discrimination.
In addition, we are making continued efforts in raising compliance awareness by distributing a monthly compliance magazine, etc.


Risk Management Training

We carry out annual risk management training covering all transcosmos employees in managerial positions. The training includes topics such as compliance and risk management. In FY2024/3, approximately 4,000 employees received the training. To mitigate labor compliance risks, the training course includes learning sessions under the themes of harassment prevention and labor management. We are committed to creating a healthy workplace through providing risk management training.

LGBTQ Training

We offer training programs on LGBTQ/SOGIE for all employees. The purpose of the program is to help employees learn and comprehend the basic knowledge of, and the current social attitudes towards LGBTQ, and personally commit to creating a harassment-free workplace.


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