Gender Equality

Women’s Career Advancement

Project Framework

We set up a dedicated organization in October 2007 to support female employees' career progression. In FY2016/3, we kicked off a new company-wide project, Promote Higher Female Participation & Renovate Workstyle, and made a concerted effort to enhance initiatives throughout transcosmos. Today, each department breaks down company-wide goals into specific action plans to achieve KPIs, and gives updates on their progress in an annual update meeting.

Project Framework

*PJ: Project

The Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace
transcosmos inc. Action Plan
  • Phase 1 Action Plan
    Period: 5 years from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2021
    Target: Increase the female manager ratio by at least 160% from FY2016/3 (13.1% as of FY2016/3)
    Result: Achieved the target with a 23.0% female manager ratio.
  • Phase 2 Action Plan
    Period: 3 years from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024
    1. Increase the female manager ratio to at least 25% (21.9% as of July, 2020)
    2. Increase the male employee combined take-up rate of childcare leave and shared parental leave to at least 40% (compared with a male employee take-up rate of 12.5% for childcare leave in FY2020/3)
  • Phase 3 Action Plan
    Period: 2 years from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2026
    1. Increase the female manager ratio to at least 28.0% (26.5% as of July, 2023)
    2. Increase the male employee combined take-up rate of childcare leave and shared parental leave to at least 80.0% (81.9% as of FY2023/3)

Visit here for Action Plan (no translation available) PDF

*We have formulated the above action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.

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Career & Skill Development Support for Our Female Employees

To encourage our female employees to stay highly motivated to commit to their career development, we carry out various initiatives that support their skills and career development.

Selective training program

Since 2008, we have been conducting a selective training program that covers two generations of our female employees (next-generation and next to the next-generation) to form a pool of our female management candidates.
Next-generation: “Career School Basic” Next to the next-generation: “Career Value”
Many female employees who have completed the training program have been promoted to higher-level positions, laying down a path for managerial positions for female employees.
Our program is offered online, enabling overseas members to participate in the training.

Career Value→Career School Basic

(Training flow)

  • Introduction
    Message from our top management
    (topics include the current company situation, future goals, commitment to employee development, and expectation towards the employees selected for the program)
  • At Training
    The training program revolves primarily around group work, discussions, and presentations (on the current business environment, self-monitoring, leadership, team management, career planning, leader vision formation, etc.)
  • Post Training
    Each participant discusses what she has learned from the program, and makes a statement as to her future career plans and visions

Picture of selective training

(Graduates of Training Programs)

Career School Basic: 301 (2008 - 2023)
Career Value: 695 (2008-2023)

Joint Talent Development Program

We offer a joint talent development training program for our female management candidates, the aims of which are, through interaction and competition with people from different industries, to broaden their perspectives, to increase their appreciation for managerial responsibility, and to increase their business contacts.

Joint Talent Development Program image

Career Development Seminar

To raise awareness and boost motivation for career development, we bring guest lecturers every year to give a talk on specific topics. Today, our program is offered online, enabling everyone to participate regardless of their locations.

J-Win membership

In 2008, we became a member of a non-profit organization J-Win (Japan Women’s Interactive Network) (*) to further promote our female employees’ career development. Since then, many of our female employees have been to J-Win to participate in their projects.

J-Win, is a members only, non-profit organization, and was founded in April, 2007 with the purpose of assisting their member companies in promoting and implementing diverse management. Through a wide range of activities such as providing advice and consultation on how to best develop the capabilities of female employees, holding seminars and lectures, and conducting surveys on related topics, J-Win supports their member companies’ efforts in promoting diversity in their management team.
Visit here for non-profit organization J-Win

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Change Perceptions & Increase PR activities

With the aim of fostering a corporate culture that allows individuals from diverse backgrounds, including women, to work together and play an active role, we have implemented the diversity appreciation programs such as holding forums and disseminating information on diversity via our intranet.

Diversity Forum

To ensure that our employees can appreciate the importance of diversity as part of our management strategy, we have been hosting the Diversity forum since FY2017/3.
Promotion leaders for this company-wide project (*refer to Project Vision & Structure), including top management (Project Owner), PM & PMO, leaders, and managers from each department participate in the forum to permeate and accelerate the project activities throughout the organization.
The forum opens with an opening remark by the company-wide PJ owner (top management) explaining the purpose of the forum, then moves onto keynote speeches by experts, followed by a message on future events and activities from the project owner of each department (officers). Through this forum, we are trying to make diversity embedded in our corporate culture.

Diversity Forums image

IkuBoss Corporate Alliance membership

We have become a member of “IkuBoss Corporate Alliance,” founded and operated by a non-profit organization Fathering Japan (President: Tetsuya Ando) with the aim of developing “IkuBoss,” or an ideal boss who aspires to develop their subordinates, organization, and society. As a member of the alliance, we revisit our employees’ perception and attribute to work critically to create a workplace that encourages our employees to perform to the best of their abilities, and to find value in their work.
In joining the alliance, we have held a signing ceremony. During the ceremony, our officers and the project promotion members listened to a lecture given by Director Kawashima of the alliance, and issued their individual “IkuBoss Declaration” within the company.

Accession to Ikuboss Corporate Alliance 02Accession to Ikuboss Corporate Alliance 03

A dedicated intranet page [cosmos★net]

We continue to disseminate various information on our diversity initiatives through the dedicated page on our intranet.

  • A message from top management and HR division manager
    … Annual message on the significance of activities, and key initiatives for the fiscal year, etc.
  • Background and purpose of the activities, and action plans
  • Our female employees’ career development measures
  • Introduction of role models
    “Footstep Premium” Our female employees who hold departmental managerial positions or above
    “Footstep” Our female employees who are playing active roles
    “Footstep Mom” Working mothers who are juggling work and parenting
    “Footstep Dad” Our male employees who are committed to both parenting and work
    … Updated monthly (Premium updated annually)
  • Work-family balance support tools
    A work-family balance handbook, work-family balance tips, useful news & topics on work-family balance
    Work-family balance e-learning (before taking maternity leave, before returning to work, and for managerial employees)
  • News and reports on career development and work-family balance events
  • Activities for promoting female employees’ career development at our regional offices and centers

A dedicated intranet page [cosmos★net] image

Awards & Recognitions

“The Director-General, Tokyo Labour Bureau Incentive Prize,” for Enterprises Promoting Equal Employment category under the “Equal Employment / Work-Life Balance Awards” by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

In FY2015/3, we received the “Director-General, Tokyo Labour Bureau Incentive Prize,” for Enterprises Promoting Equal Employment category under the “Equal Employment / Work-Life Balance Awards” by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
The Equal Employment / Work-Life Balance Awards are awarded to those role-model companies who have proactively promoted activities that provide female employees with opportunities to demonstrate their abilities (Positive Action) or those that enable their employees to balance work with care responsibilities including childcare and family care.

“The Director-General, Tokyo Labour Bureau Incentive Prize,”

L-boshi Certification

On August 30, 2016, we were certified as an excellent company by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, in terms of promoting participation and involvement of female employees, and received the Ministry’s 3 star award, which is the highest certification level, under the “Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.”

L-boshi Certification mark

Female Employees’ Career Development Status

transcosmos inc.
(Number of employees)

March 2022 March 2023 March 2024
Number of female managers*(female representation in managerial positions) 263(25.5%) 288(26.5%) 277(26.2%)
Section Manager 179 183 175(32.8%)
Department Manager 62 79 77(20.2%)
Division Manager or equivalent 22 26 25(17.5%)
Number of female employees*(female representation in regular employees) 5,919(46.5%) 6,245(47.4%) 6,580(48.2%)
Number of new female graduates(female representation in new graduates) 245(58.1%) 404(63.4%) 346(59.1%)

*Up to March 2023, the numbers listed above are calculated as of July of the respective years. From March 2024, we will disclose the numbers as of the end of each fiscal year to align with annual securities reports, etc.

July 2022 July 2023 July 2024
Number of female directors*(female representation in director positions) 0- 1(6.3%) 2(11.8%)

*The number of directors as of July, after being appointed by resolution at a shareholders’ meeting.

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